Guaranteed two hour delivery direct to site for in stock products

If you need it quick, download Squick!

17th October 2022

Guaranteed 2 Hour Delivery to all customers working within the M25.

What is Squick?

Have you ever been on site and realised at a crucial moment that you haven’t got a much needed part?

Maybe the original part is faulty, maybe the part you needed was forgotten off of the packing list or maybe you just didn’t realise it was needed until you got to site because it was a reactive call out.

So you’ve checked the closest suppliers to you to see if it’s in Stock.

It is!


Now you have to leave site; get there and back with enough time to complete the job. But It’s not always possible or practical when you consider things like location, potential traffic, lack of parking spaces and lack of time.

Not only that, having to leave the site to find the part you need means reducing that all important profit margin and having unhappy customers.

Or worst case scenario, all you have is next day delivery, but your diary and budget doesn’t allow for that.

What do you do now?

Well, we have the solution for you.

Why use Squick:

Door Entry Direct have partnered with Squick, the On-Demand Delivery app for the Fire & Security Industry.

Squick is used for same day delivery of parts in stock, delivered within 2 hours and inside the M25.


Order the items you need via the Squick website, the Squick app or while you are at the Door Entry Direct Checkout, and have them delivered directly to you on site.


Delivery is £42.99 inc. VAT.

Benefits of using Squick

  • Fast Delivery is guaranteed
  • You can save time and money
  • Finish your project without leaving the site

If Fast food and groceries can be brought to you in minutes with just a few taps on an app, why not work materials?


Squick is all about making lives easier, increasing efficiency and reducing the amount of time and money lost. It is not a luxury service, but more of a necessity.

So when you make that order, know that your problems are solved.


To find out more, get in touch with our team on 020 8621 6210 or email [email protected]