Door Entry Panels - Braille Application Service




the ultimate braille application system

for door entry panels




>     same day in-house braille application

   designed to be precise and informative to touch

>     pricing from just £20 per panel

>     lead time up to 3 days

>     available on  a number of different material finishes

>     can be used with PanelMATCH colouring for all visual abilities

>     compliant with the Equality Act 2010 (formely the DDA / DDA compliant)





Over 30k people in the UK use braille to help them communicate. Even in this 'smart world', this 200 year old invention still has something to offer.

The characters consist of varying combinations of up to six dots in a simple 2 X 3 format which are used to represent letters, numbers and even music.








Our PanelMATCH braille application system is designed not only to help and support the visually impaired, but to provide an easy to read and functional solution.

Our application system is engineered to produce a near as perfect finish as possible, and one that is precise and informative to touch.

We regulalry take advice from organisations and groups that support the visually impaired, to ensure the products we produce are correct in every way.














We use Unified English Braille (UEB) code on our braille panels, which is approved by the braille authorities in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

UEB braille is based on SEB (Standard English Braille), with some siginificant changes, designed to take away ambiguity and provides a unified braille code for the entire English speaking world.



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